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WES vs pre-WES travel times

commuter rail vs TriMet/SMART buses between Beaverton and Wilsonville

Before WES Commuter Rail

These are afternoon southbound times from 2007 (SMART--2008 times are not in the Internet Archives) and 2008 (TriMet). It is assumed that bus service would not have changed otherwise, or been radically improved as an alternative to WES. In addition, Route 201 also stopped at Commerce Cir in the reverse direction 8 minutes after Xerox/10 minutes before Tualatin P&R, and travel time is 4 minutes longer. Solid black borders indicate where transfers are required.

76 departs Beaverton TC4:004:305:005:30
76 arrives Tualatin P&R4:495:185:496:16
Buses depart Tualatin P&R4:495:015:195:355:495:526:036:19
201 arrives Xerox5:035:336:036:33
201 arrives City Hall5:105:406:106:40
96 arrives Commerce Cir5:215:546:096:20
203 departs Commerce Cir5:266:13
203 arrives near WES5:326:19


TriMet: 76-Beaverton/Tualatin Weekday To Tualatin,

TriMet: 96-Tualatin/I-5 Weekday To Commerce Circle,

SMART Route 201 and [Route 203]

Peyton/Casting is only a couple blocks from where Wilsonville Station was built.

Overall, it shows that even if Line 76 is exactly on-time (which is not guaranteed given traffic) and makes the connection to SMART (or the 96), it took over an hour to get from Beaverton to Wilsonville by transit. And getting to the west side of Wilsonville (where the WES station is) could take more than 90 minutes.

With WES Commuter Rail

WES departs Beaverton TC:05:35
WES arrives Wilsonville:32:02
6 departs Wilsonville Station :35 :05
6 arrives near Xerox:40:10

Trips depart every half hour from 4:05 to 7:05


TriMet: WES Commuter Rail Weekday To Wilsonville

SMART Transit : Route 6 Schedule

Now, it takes just 27 minutes to get to the west side of Wilsonville (the WES station) and only about 8 minutes more to get to the east side (near Xerox). Overall, someone going to the northeastern portion of Wilsonville can now get there about 15 minutes before they would even reach Tualatin P&R on Line 76.

By Jason McHuff,